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Prescribing Services

Are you looking for a Nurse Prescriber to work with in your clinics?

If you are local, I may be able to help you, message to enquire.





The world of Aesthetics can be an absolute minefield and more often than not, you start the journey on your own with no real direction!

It can be a scary, stressful and lonely time and I myself have found comfort in becoming friends with other local aesthetic colleagues, who have at times provided me with invaluable support. 

Following many many messages for advice and support from people wishing to start a career in aesthetics I have decided to offer some mentorship opportunities.

I have personally spent thousands and thousands of pounds so far investing in a variety of courses and education over the last few years, and I continue to regularly invest in my business, for my clients.

I want to be the best and do the best for my clients and they are always at the forefront of my practice;

 I am looking for like-minded practitioners to mentor.  

If you are serious about a career in aesthetics this support will be invaluable.


This opportunity will include:


A day (up to 6 hours) working with me one to one in a real life clinic, where you will see first hand how I run my clinics.

Here you will observe all the little things that help piece together the side of business that you are not taught in your training, all those practical requirements such as software use, equipment use, different product use, furniture requirements and so on.

Utilise my expertise by asking any questions you can think of whilst you're here! 


You will observe my consultation process including how to safety net yourself and your patients - safety first, always!


Are you a prescriber?

Practical advice on how to write private prescriptions/pharmacy advice!

Are you a non prescriber?

Many of the treatments you will offer are prescription only medicines and as such you will need to work alongside a prescribing clinician. This is an additional service that I can help you with.

(Not included in the price of the mentorship & will be an additional cost per prescription). 


 You'll observe a variety of treatments in the clinic, including my personal injection techniques and tips for reducing your risk of complications when injecting.


A day in your clinic, I am happy to observe and assist you in your first clinic (if you need me there for a little reassurance!)


Continued support throughout your career. The word 'mentorship' says it all. I am not only offering a day of observation, but to be a support for you as a peer within the industry. 


So - Advice, Tips, Tricks!


... much more than anything you'll gain from a standard training day!


This day will by no means replace your training courses (which are a requirement for insurance purposes) and as a minimum you will need to have completed your basic Botox/filler courses FIRST to ensure you have a basic knowledge to build upon.


For prices/to register for this amazing opportunity please contact me to discuss.


As a nurse, the patient is always the centre of my practice and I believe my approach to patient centred care is what has helped me grow a loyal clientele. 


I do not wish to get in to any medic VS non-medic debate but regretfully this is an opportunity that will only be available to medical professionals, proof of registration and training will be required upon application. 


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